Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday's Discovery - Bob's Red Mill Oatbran

I love oatmeal. I think the only reason why I liked it is because of all the different flavors it comes with. It's supposed to be good for your heart, keeps you regular, yadi yada. You get the deal! Little did I know that too much eating of these packaged and processed oatmeal packets is actually bad for you. These instant oatmeal packets are easy to prepare and usually cheap, but did you know it contains high levels of hidden sugar? Some of these hidden sugar may be listed as corn syrup, brown rice syrup, cane juice, fructose, dextrose, or maltose. I am sure you have heard of this already. But please, if you care for your health, stay away from these bad sugar.

In the past when I go to the grocery, I would just usually pick up things that I find appealing or that it sounded delicious. I never made any conscious effort to check the back label. Now that I am more aware of, I usually scan the content to see if it's a good buy. And speaking of scanning, while I was trekking the baking section of Whole Foods, I discovered this Oat Bran, Hot Cereal by Bobs Red Mill.  I love this brand.  They carry pretty much everything from oatmeal, granola, almond flour, to coconut flour. 
This Hot Cereal is not only high in fiber, but it's organic and no hidden sugar at all. I pretty much eat it every morning mixed with my vanilla unsweetened almond milk.  If you want to add a little bit of sweetness, you can always top it with some fresh berries. Happy Saturday:-)

P.S. You can get this from Amazon too! 

1 comment:

  1. hi there! congratulations! you won the signed Manolo book!

    email me at lilipaz3t[at]gmail[dot]com for your mailing address!!!!
