Saturday, March 26, 2011

Around The World with Contessa - A Whole New Challenge

If Julie Powell challenged herself in cooking one recipe per day from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, I was thinking of taking on the challenge myself too.  While I own the recipe book, it will not revolve around that.  Please join and cheer me as I take on the challenge of exploring different cuisines from different countries.  will be cooking dishes from countries in all seven continents as part of my "Around the World with Contessa" challenge. I am still deciding how many countries to do! Maybe you guys can submit a suggestion?  Any particular dish from a specific country you would like me to feature, please let me know. 

If you think that I will be slaving myself everyday like Julie Powell, think again! LOL! I will do it on my cheat day instead. Saturday is my day to eat and indulge in whatever I want and that's when I have the most time to cook something elaborate. HE!HE! 
image was taken from the net, forgot which website:(
Stay tuned friends. On my first challenge, I will be taking you to Austria...any guess what I will be making? heheheheh

Bisous, Contessa

1 comment:

  1. I love the ideas you have for your blog :) Speaking of Julie Powell, I tried browsing through Julia Child's book at the store last Saturday. Before I could become completely delusional, your evil nephew screamed and I had to go get him lol.
